Monday 1st June

Hello everybody!

I hope you have all had a lovely half term and have been able to enjoy the beautiful weather!

As you may be aware school is now encouraging more Key Worker children back into school and therefore with greater numbers from today myself and Mrs Smout will both be working our normal full days in school.  Myself Monday to Wednesday and Mrs Smout Thursday and Friday.  We will continue to post work online and we will follow the same work with the children who are in school, as many are in on a part time basis throughout the week, so rest assured you won’t be missing out on too much at home.

Please also be aware it may take us a little longer to reply to emails when we are in school and we will post the online learning on the website as soon as we can in the evening.

Monday Maths 

We will continue to follow the White Rose Maths Scheme

All of the links for each year group can be found here

The work this week is on decimals and finding fractions of a number.


This week we’d like to link our English work with our History topic on Ancient Greece.  We’d like you to think back to the work you did on Greek Gods and we’d like you to write a non-fiction report about the Greek Gods and Goddesses.  We’d like your report to include the important features of a non-chronological report (this means it doesn’t have to have the information in a particular order):

  • A title for your report;
  • introduction – introduce the topic and explain why Gods and Goddesses were important to the Greeks;
  • Subheadings – titles for each section;
  • clear information written in paragraphs;
  • a formal (posh) tone to your writing;
  • maybe include a fact box for an interesting fact;
  • a conclusion to summarise the report.

Use the presentation below that you have used before to find some information on the Gods and Goddesses and for an example of a general introduction.

#Lesson Presentation Gods and Goddesses

You may also like this video with some key facts.  Greek Gods

Today I’d like you to decide on 3 Gods or Goddesses you’d like to include and research them, find out – What were they the God/ Goddess of?  What was their special weapon or animal? Any other interesting facts about them?

Just make some notes for the introduction and for your 3 chosen Gods today.   We’ll start our report tomorrow.


We have come to the end of the set spelling lists that we need to cover this year so I have set up a few challenges and a spelling test on Sumdog, it does say that Sumdog will choose which skills you need to practise.

I would also like you to look at the list of spelling words for Year 3 and 4. These are the 3 extra words we put on the bottom of your spellings and that you should hopefully be spelling correctly in all of your work by the end of year 4.  Spelling list

We were up to Q on the list but as they do not have any particular spelling pattern it’s tricky to learn 12 of them at once.  So please choose 2 or three to practise each week and look back over the whole list.  If you are more confident at spelling you may choose 5 or 6 to learn.

This week please at least try to learn:

question, recent and regular.

If you find spellings tricky then have a good look at this list of Year 2 words

Year 2 Spelling list


This week id like you to do a bit of revision and think back to last half term.

Do you remember the 5 different groups for classifying vertebrates?  Can you remember what we mean by vertebrates?

Lesson Presentation Classifying Vertebrates

Have another look through this presentation – flick through the first part until you get to slide 9 the read carefully slide 9-17 (until the activity part)

Today I would like you to make a poster about the 5 different animal groups for vertebrates.  Your poster must include the name of the animal group – some animals in that group and the key features of that group.

So for example I would write

Mammals in nice colourful bubble writing, then do a bullet point list underneath of what all mammals have in common,  Then i’d do some little pictures of some mammals around it and the repeat for the 4 other groups.  You could do this as one big poster or 5 separate ones, its up to you.