June 2nd – World’s Largest Children’s Choir At Home

Exciting news in from Young Voices, it would be great if you could sign up and join in.

I’m emailing this to you all as there is valuable practice time between now and the next newsletter to be had!


Dear Colleague

We’re really excited to invite you to get involved in a special #YVatHome project over the next few weeks!

Young Voices, the current Guinness World Record holders for the world’s largest simultaneous sing are staging the World’s Largest Children’s Choir at Home for a record breaking #PowerInMe Singing Challenge and dedicate it to all our teachers.

On 2nd June 2020 2.30pm – you are invited along with families and children from across the world to pay tribute to all teachers by joining together to sing “The Power in Me” from the safety of your own homes.

You can register your involvement at youngvoices.co.uk/powerinme to access free learning resources for the song. More importantly – we are asking you to share this email with your parents and children to get them directly involved.

Between now and 2nd June, you are also encouraged to take part in the #PowerInMe singing challenge and to film yourselves singing the song’s lyrics “I’ve got the Power In Me” and post it online with the hashtag to see who responds completing the song’s chorus “You’ve got the Power in You!”.

It is all explained here by our conductors David Lawrence and Francisco Núñez – here.

Before 2nd June we have provided a selection of free online rehearsals that you can watch in school or at home to prepare for the big day:

Rehearsals playlist on Facebook
Rehearsals playlist on YouTube

Have you got the power in you? Get involved!
