Friday – Room 8

Well done! You have completed a whole half term of home learning and I am really proud of you all. It has been fantastic to see how creative and hard-working you have been.

Here is your Friday plan:

  1. Maths – First warm up with Sumdog or TT Rockstars and then complete the maths challenges from White Rose.
    White Rose
  2. English – Free Write Friday – why not take your notebook out into the sunshine and get inspired by writing outdoors?
  3. Art – visit the Van Gogh museum and explore some art work by this very significant painter! Which is your favourite painting?
    Van Gogh Gallery
    Van Gogh Museum
    This video is a trailer for a film about Vincent Van Gogh’s life – it is entirely made up of animations based on his paintings. It also gives you some hints about his troubled life.

    You could use one of Van Gogh’s paintings as inspiration for your own painting or you might like to complete one of the colouring sheets below (inspired by Van Gogh).