Thursday 21st May

Hello everyone,

I hope you’ve all been enjoying this sunny weather and having lots of fun in the garden. Today we will be doing Maths, Understanding the World and Letters and Sounds.



There’s not too much to do for maths today, we have had a go at remembering how to add and subtract, but today we are going to do both! Have a look at the symbols in the questions to work out whether you are going to have to add or subtract to find the answer. Use the number line to help you, and remember – if you are adding you go UP the number line, if you are subtracting you go DOWN the number line.

Addition and Subtraction to 20


Understanding the World:

I would like you to have a little look at whatever it is you decided to grow a few weeks ago. Has it changed? What has happened to it? Has it done what you thought it might do? Or is it too soon to tell? Check the prediction that you wrote and see if you were right!

Either discuss the changes with an adult, or write it down if you feel up to it.


Letters and Sounds:

I heard that you all loved the colouring that we did last week, so I thought you could do another one today. It’s definitely a nice activity to have a go at in the sunshine! Can you complete the ‘z, zz, ch, sh, qu’ sheet today please?

Colour by Phoneme


Have a lovely day everyone, I will be in school today so I won’t be able to see what you’re doing until a bit later and may also be posting work for tomorrow a little later than usual too.

Miss Roberts x