Wednesday afternoon 20.5.20

Here are the activities for Wednesday afternoon which include reading skills, computing and the daily mile.

1.30 – 1.50pm: Reading skills

Challenge yourself to name as many fairy tales as you can. Can you name as many as 10? Which stories have similar settings? Are there any stories that don’t have baddies? Are there any stories that do not have happy endings? Why do you think this is?

1.50 – 2.45pm: Computing

If you need to, continue with your comic using either Lego Comic Builder or the slightly trickier program:

Try making a comic of a favourite fairy tale scene.

If you feel you have done enough comic creating, then have a go at this activity of designing a tree house online! If you could live in the forest, what would your house look like? When you’ve finished, maybe you could print off your design and add it to the picture you did this morning of a relaxing place. Tree House design

2.45 onward: Enjoy time outside, walking, playing or biking!

I hope you all have a lovely afternoon. x