Wednesday 20th May

Hello everyone,

Today we will be doing Literacy, Maths, Letters and Sounds and Yoga so just dip in and out of whatever is going to suit you. The weather is supposed to be glorious today so make sure you get some chance to enjoy it!



Continuing with our Gingerbread Man work, today we are going to pretend that we are the fox! Have a think about what he might want to say to the Little Old Lady or the Little Old Man for eating the Gingerbread Man! How could he make it better? It might go something like this:

I am very sorry for eating the Gingerbread Man, he just looked so tasty. I know he was your Gingerbread Man and I shouldn’t have eaten him. I promise I will never eat anything of yours again, and I will help you make another Gingerbread man if you would like?

Love from,

The Fox

There is a postcard template below for you to use if you like. Again, remember to share as much of the writing with a grown up as you need to.

Postcard Template



Today we are recapping some subtraction work. I have got a game for you to play first just to help you get back into the swing of it.

And then I’d like you to have a go at one of the worksheets below.

If you feel like you need to take it easy, then have a go at this one:

Subtraction to 10

If you’d like a bit more of a challenge, then try this one:

Number Line Subtraction

There are a few different levels of difficulty for this second sheet. The trickiest sheet where you need to work out the missing numbers is a skill that we wouldn’t tend to teach until Year 1, so I would recommend avoiding that one.


Letters and Sounds:

Mrs Hilditch very helpfully found a YouTube channel with Letters and Sounds lessons on there from the Department for Education. Have a little look and see if there is anything useful, really you want to be watching either the blending videos or anything from the Reception playlist – from what I can see all the videos on that playlist are focusing on Phase 3 sounds and tricky words.

Have a little look and let me know what you think. If nothing else, it’s 15 minutes where you can take a break and let someone else teach your child!



Find your favourite video, or have a go at this one:

If you are enjoying yoga from home, my lovely yoga teacher Gail is offering free online classes for children on a Sunday from 10-10.45. They are delivered via Zoom and all based around stories. If you’re interested at all, you can find her on Facebook or Instagram at Ginger Yoga and send her a message to get a link to the class. Just thought I would let you all know in case any of you are interested!


Have a fab day,

Miss Roberts x