Wednesday morning 20.5.20

Hi everyone. Here’s the rundown for Wednesday morning.

8.45 – 9.00: Practise spellings

9.00 – 9.05: Wake Up Shake Up What’s That Sound?

9.05 – 10.00: Maths

Today we are revisiting turns. Watch the short video and take part in the activity that follows it to remind yourself about quarter and half turns:

Have a chat also about what a whole turn is, and how to make a three-quarter turn. Then have a go at the sheet. Don’t worry about whether the turns you make or describe on the sheet are clockwise or anticlockwise! Y1-Summer-Block-3-D1-Describe-turns-2020

For those of you feeling confident, here is an extra, tricky sheet. Only stick the patterns down when you are sure! BusyAnt_y1_u9_w3_PG_E4

10.00 – 10.15: Break

10.15 – 11.00: English

Hopefully you have now described a good character, a bad character and an idea for a magical item which will help your main character to become rich. In our stories, your bad character is going to disguise themselves as an everyday, ordinary person and meet your ‘goody’ in or near the person’s house that they are visiting. Can you now think of how your ‘baddy’ will disguise themselves? Will they dress up as an old woman, like in Snow White? Or as the family member being visited, like the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood? They will trick your goody into giving them the magical item, and will swap them something so think about what this ‘swap’ item could be. This swap item will be totally useless.

We now need to think of a ‘rescuer’ character who will help your main character get the magical item back. Draw and describe this character. They are going to have a means of transport that will take the main character and their rescuer to wherever your baddy lives. Will they have a horse like a prince? Maybe it’s a magical carpet! Or perhaps a helpful dolphin! Decide what your baddy will travel on, draw and describe it.

11.00 – 11.15: Phonics

Complete the two SPaG mats, applying what you know: Mat 6 (1) Mat 5 (1)

11.15 – 11.30: Break

11.30 – 11.40: Mindfulness Candle of Concentration

11.40 – 12.25: Art and Design

If you took photos of trees the other week, now is the time to print these off if possible. If you don’t have any photos of trees, can you find some using the internet? If you have no printer, then draw them! Use what you now know about different leaf shapes and tree types to include different varieties of tree in your picture.

Can you make a picture of a lovely, serene place where you would love to sit and relax? This could be a park, garden or a wooded area. Think about using different shades and tones of green. It’s probably easier to use pencil crayons if you are colouring rather than felt-tips! Don’t worry about adding lots of other things on the picture as I want to see the different shades of green and tree types more than anything else. You could possibly add some real leaves to your picture or even grass if you wanted to!

Have fun being creative!

Mrs Garcia x