Tuesday 19.5.20


Today I’d like you to listen to the story of the The Lion And The Mouse

We have read another version of this during a whole class reading session so you may be familiar with it.

I would like you to listen to the story and then think of a way you could adapt it to write your own version with the same moral.

It’s a story of bravery, kindness and even though a character may be small, they can make a big difference.  The moral is about returning good deeds and being kind to one another.

With this in mind I would like you to take this story structure and use it to plan and the write your own story, like last week with Flat Stanley.

So below is a table of events from this story and a general plan – I’d like to to follow the same story structure but change the animals or you could rewrite it using people, it’s up to you.

Today I’d just like you to listen to the story and then do your plan, we’ll write each section on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.   You can just do your plan as a bullet point list if you like.


Please continue your work on time – you should be able to scroll down and find the right level sheet to download for Tuesday.


Please find time to read your book, or listen to an audio book.  Just a reminder that the Oxford Owl website has many free ebooks you just need to register for access.

ebooks 7-9

ebooks 9-11


Please continue on Duolingo or have a look at the BBC Bitesize Class Clips