Friday 15th May

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well and ready for today’s learning.

Here is your Morning Maths:  Can you remember how many lines you draw in a tally group?

Morning Maths


Today on White Rose Maths it is the Friday Challenge.

You do not need to complete every challenge.  choose 1 or 2 that are at the right level for you.


Just in case, here is the website too.


Please get someone lovey at home to test you on your spellings.  Let me know how get on.


I would like you to look through this gallery of pictures.  Choose one you really like and use it as a staring place to write a story.

Have fun with this.  Remember to start sentences with capital letters and end them with a full stop.  Think about the kinds of adjectives you could use to make your story exciting for the reader.  You could even add one or two A,A sentences!  I’d love to see what you come up with.

If none of these pictures get you excited about writing, please feel free to find a picture of your own.


Please read a few pages of your reading book.  It’s supposed to be lovely weather today so find a sunny spot in the garden if you wish.


I love this book, see what you think…

Friday afternoon.

I don’t know about you but I think it would be nice to do something a bit crafty this afternoon.

We tried these at home the other day and they were so much fun.  You need a plastic bottle from the recycling, a rubber band, an odd sock, a dish or washing up bowl and some washing up liquid.  You can add food colouring if you wish but you don’t need it.

Just follow the really easy instructions below with an adult and send me pictures of the results!

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Mrs Pope x