Thursday’s work

If you haven’t yet had a look at some of the marvellous books that have been started by the children please ask them to show you. I would like them to carry on with these for English today and tomorrow. We have not completed a lot of free choice writing of late so this is an ideal chance for them to showcase their talents.


A lot of the children also like to carry on with bitesize, literacy planet or national oak academy. I am delighted to see how independent they are at choosing work that interests them and is at an appropriate ability.


For maths again there are options of bitesize, times tables, TT rockstars, sumdog and white rose. For white rose you need the worksheet and the answers. For links to all other year groups please look at the main news on this site.


On a Thursday we have an extra reading session so it would be good if the children spend some time reading a book or magazine. If it is a book they can quiz on they can try here with accelerated reader


We have been looking at Islam in RE and this week I would like the children to try to draw some Islamic art patters. Here are the instructions and a template


I am always pleased when the children decide to try something different from these activities because they have a strong interest in other things. seneca has a range of courses to look at. Some are trying to trace their family tree. I know some children are trying to come up with the best football team with just Englishman and justify their choices with statistics. I had a go and my team was:

Banks, Neal, Moore, Charlton, Pearce, Matthews, Bastin, Robson, Gerrard, Greaves and Shearer. My rule was no more than two players from a team.