Thursday 14th May

Hello everyone,

How are we all doing today? Ready for some more learning I hope! Today we will be doing Maths, Literacy and Letters and Sounds.



So now that we have learnt to count in 2s and 10s, we are now going to learn to count in 5s! I would like you to do the same sort of thing that you did on Monday please. I have put a 100 square below for you and I would like you to count up to 5 and colour it in, then count on 5 more and colour that square in and continue like that. So by the end you should have coloured in 5, 10, 15, 20 etc.

Have a look – do you notice that the pattern of the second numbers goes 5, 0, 5, 0? And that the first numbers go 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 etc?

If you wanted to do this activity online, here’s the link again.


100 Square



Hopefully yesterday you did some sort of cooking or baking at home. Today I would like you to write an ingredients list for all of the items that you used. There’s a template below for you to use if you wish.

See if you can use your word builder and sound mat to sound out and write as many ingredients as you can without having to copy them! It’s really good for our brains to try and remember to use those sounds that we have worked so hard to learn.

Ingredients List Template


Letters and Sounds:

Today I have got another game for you to play! Have a look at the website below for what to do.

Ideally, please focus on the Phase 3 sounds, or the sounds that you are struggling with. I’ve put a sound mat below, just in case you aren’t sure of the Phase 3 sounds!

Phase 2 and 3 Sound Mat


I hope you all have a lovely, fun day.

Miss Roberts x