Thursday afternoon 14.5.20

Thursday afternoons involve reading skills, science and the daily mile.

1.30 – 1.50pm: Reading skills

Can you predict who or what lives in the castle at the top of the beanstalk? What will Jack see if he knocks at the door? Have fun designing your own beast, monster or giant! You could draw this or even make it using old boxes or recycling materials. Alternatively, you could paint a picture of your beast or create it using collage. This may take you longer than 20 minutes, so maybe carry on into the afternoon or finish it over the weekend.

1.50 – 2.45pm: Science

Watch the time-lapse video of the bean plant growing. What is happening from Day 14 to Day 21? Bean plant video Describe in detail what is happening, thinking about the leaves, the stem and the roots. Now may be a good time to visit any plants you have been growing to see if there are any changes.

Think about the plants you were hunting for on Tuesday, and use those pictures to sort the plants into two groups. You could sort by colour, by leaf shape, by whether or not the plant is a climber, by the size of the petals or using any other criteria you wish. What could go in the overlap section? Don’t worry about including all of the plant pictures in the circles, and remember that if they don’t belong in either group they can just sit outside the Venn diagram (sorting circles). Don’t forget to label up your groups. T2-M-261-Venn-Diagram-Template-1 Here’s the plant sheet again if you need it – you only need page 2! Activity Sheet In the Garden

If you feel that this is too tricky, then you could sort your plants into two groups with no overlap and label up each separate group. Can you think of different ways that these plants could be sorted?

2.45pm onward: Go for a walk, a run or a bike ride, or simply enjoy time outside.

Have a fab afternoon, everyone. x