Thursday morning 14.5.20

Hi everyone. Here are the activities for Thursday morning:

8.45 – 9.00: Practise spellings

9.00 – 9.05: Wake Up Shake Up Hot Potato

9.05 – 10.00: Maths

Today we are using our addition and subtraction skills and looking again at how calculations can be related. For example, if we know that 2+3=5, then we also know that 3+2=5. We can use these addition number sentences to work out that 5-2=3 and 5-3=2. Which of the number sentences can be made using each set of numbers. Match them up and work out the answers. Do you notice anything about your answers? BusyAnt_y1_u9_w2_PG_S4

Here is a second activity with useful question prompts for adults to use. This activity is encouraging children to not just work on understanding relationships between number facts, but also on explaining their answers and exploring different possibilities. Activity Cards – Fact Families-Addition Facts

10.00 – 10.15: Break

10.15 – 11.00: English

Watch episode 8 of Jack and the Beanstalk where Jack climbs to the top of the beanstalk. Then complete the sheet with lots of description about what he sees as he gets higher and higher. Can you try to write in full sentences and, like yesterday, use an adjective as well as a noun as in the example, ‘swirling mist’? Remember your capital letters and full stops! resource_sheet_10

If you would like extra work, with this sheet you need to match the picture to the correct sentence in order to retell episode 8: resource_sheet_11

11.00 – 11.15: Phonics

Use one or more of the game boards to revise phonemes/graphemes which could do with some practice. Sound out/read the words as you land on them: Read and race games There are five game boards in this file, so choose one before you hit ‘print’!

11.15 – 11.30: Break

11.30 – 11.40: Mindfulness Movies in my Mind

11.40 – 12.25: PE

Here is the next instalment of the BBC Sounds ‘minibeasts’ dance sessions: Digging for Worms

And a Boogie Beebies for those of you that prefer to see the moves, or who just want to do both sessions! Boogie Beebies Chuffa Chuffa Chawoowoo

Enjoy your morning, everyone. x