Tuesday 12.5.20


For the rest of the week, we’d like you to write your own Flat Stanley adventure.  Think back to last week when you thought about what you could do if you were flat.

Today I’d like you to choose one of those ideas and plan out your story.  I’d like you to break your story down into 3 sections.  I’d like you to assume the Stanley is already flat and you’re just telling me about an adventure he could have.

So if my story was about Stanley being used as a kite, this would be my plan.

This is hopefully a link to a blank plan if you wish to use it.


Remember a plan just needs to contain notes to help you organise and remember your ideas, not full detailed sentences.  You will then turn each section into a story on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. 


Continue with lesson 2 on White Rose





Please continue with Duolingo


Please find some time for daily exercise.  It could be Joe Wicks, Yoga, Born to Move, a walk, a run or football in the garden, whatever you and your family enjoy.