Thursday 7th May

Good morning everyone, can you believe we have got the the end of the school week already?  I wont be setting any work for tomorrow as it is a bank holiday and I’m not that mean…probably!

Morning Maths.

Back by popular demand…a 10 times table fortune teller.  Make sure you are practising the times and division facts too.

10 times table fortune teller


Maths today is to continue with the White Rose PowerPoints and activities.

Today we are on Year 2, week 3, lesson 4. Here is the link.

Here are the activities.


So, deep breath,  you have researched and taken notes about Queen Victoria, written a glossary and written an introduction to a report about her.  You have then written a paragraph about her early life and a paragraph about Victoria, Albert and their children.  Phew, that is quite a lot!

You are now writing the final paragraph about Queen Victoria.  Her later life and death.  You have got your notes, use these to write 3 or 4 sentences about  Queen Victoria as she got older.  Remember the nags about capital letters and full stops, you know how I feel about them!!

Once you have finished your paragraph, have you got a good fact for the fact box?  If not, can you find one from the information and videos posted last Wednesday.

Let me know how you get on.  You can always add pictures and captions to make your report look truly amazing.


Please continue to look at adding ed, est, er to the end of words ending with ‘y’.

Work your way through this PowerPoint.

Spelling PowerPoint

Activity Sheet



Please can you read your reading book somewhere cosy.


Tomorrow is V E Day or Victory in Europe Day.  I thought it would be good to find out a bit more about this day as it is an important date in our history.

Have a look at this PowerPoint.

VE Day PowerPoint

If you wish to, you can have a go at making this Spitfire glider.

Spitfire glider

Have fun over the long weekend everybody. Let me know how you are doing or if there is anything you need.

Mrs Pope X