Wednesday 6.5.20

Good morning everybody.

For English today I’d like you to listen to Flat Stanley again and answer the comprehension questions below.

  1.  What did Stanley get flattened by?
  2. What is his brother called?
  3. Why didn’t Mrs Lambchop like the fact that Stanley’s brother said “Hey!”
  4. How did Stanley describe how he felt to Dr Dan?
  5. What trick did Stanley like to do now that he was flat?
  6. What was Mr Dart’s problem at the art gallery?
  7. Did Stanley like his disguise?
  8. What did the thieves want to steal?
  9.  How did the sneak thieves get into the hall?
  10. What did Stanley get for helping to capture the thieves?
  11. Why was Stanley crying?
  12. How do you think Stanley felt at the end of the story?


Today I’d like you to do lesson 3 from White Rose on subtracting money


Library code – 6YD8VRQ

This week I’d like you to add a new ebook to our class library.  You can still add book reviews to you other anytime you wish – and hopefully you will look at each other’s book reviews to see what other people have been reading.

For your new book I would like you to write a letter to the rest of the class to share what you have been up to.  It would be a lovely way to catch up with each other and stay in touch a little.  You may be able to add photos or just describe what you have been doing or what messages you’d like to send to the rest of the class.