Wednesday 6th May – Music

This afternoon I would like you to spend some time learning about Beethoven and some of his music.

Click on the link to BBC Bitesize for some useful videos.
Click on this link to learn more about one of Beethoven’s most famous pieces – his 5th Symphony.
Ten Pieces.

Now have a listen to some other pieces by Beethoven.
The first video is of a piece called Moonlight Sonata.
The second video is an extract from Sonata No 7.
The third piece is called Fur Elise.
The final piece is Ode to Joy. This first version is being played by musicians in different countries; it was an isolation project. The second version is from this year’s Young Voices concert.

If these pieces were being used as film music, what type of film or scene would they suit? You might like to respond to these pieces by doodling as you listen – allowing the music to guide your drawing. You could also use the document on Google Classroom as a way to record your reflections.