Monday 4th May

Good morning everybody, I hope you had a very lovely weekend and you are all well and ready for another week of hard work.  I have been so impressed by what I have seen, you are working incredibly hard.

Morning Maths.

Have a go at this shape challenge.  You will need to concentrate on the language of shape.  Words like: vertices, edges, symmetry, 2D, 3D, equal, will all be used so make sure you know what they mean.  We have talked about all of them before so it shouldn’t be too tricky.

Monday Morning Maths challenge


This week we are continuing to use the White Rose website.  This week we are working  on: Year 2, Week 3 , Lesson 1.

Here is the lesson work link.


Last week we looked at the report about Queen Victoria.  We wrote a glossary to explain tricky words to people.  We then took notes and on Friday, you highlighted your notes and sorted them into paragraphs…I hope it is all coming back to you.

Today, I’d like you to have a look at these introductions to reports about Queen Victoria. We are good at writing introductions, we have written them many times in class.    Here are 3 very different introductions.  What I’d like you to first is read through the them carefully.

Queen Victoria Introductions

Get your highlighter or coloured pen out again.

This time reread the introductions but highlight any sentences, phrases or words that you think are good.  We will ‘magpie’ these and use them to help you in a minute.  – For anyone who cannot remember what ‘magpie-ing’ is, it is where you read the text of others and borrow bits you like and add them to your own writing.

Now,I’d like you write your own introduction to a report about Queen Victoria.  It doesn’t need to be long. 3 or 4 sentences is fine.  You do need to remember capital letters and full stops.  Will you use a rhetorical question to get the reader thinking?  Remember not to give the reader too much information, You just want to get them interested in the topic.

Let me know how you get on, I love reading your writing.


This week we aren’t going to practise one set of spellings.  we are going to practise adding ‘ing’ and ‘ed’ to verbs.  Each day I’m going to give you a challenge based on this.

Today, I’d like you to work through this PowerPoint.

adding ing and ed PowerPoint

Now, have a go at this sheet looking at the rule for adding ing and ed to a word with a short vowel sound.

Monday adding ing and ed rule

For your reading today, I’d like you to cuddle up with a drink and biscuit and share a few more pages of your book.

PE- have fun!


Today I’d like you to practise the skill of shading in a pointillist style.  First, draw a circle in pencil, make sure it is not too big.  Next, using a pencil or a felt tip pen,  we are going to shade the circle from dark to light.  Like the picture below.

If you look closely, you will notice that the dark part of the circle has lots of dots, close together. The middle area has dots but they are spaced out a little and the lightest part of the circle has a few dots, spread far apart.  It is tricky, but looks amazing!

Have fun today everybody.  Let me know how you do today.

Mrs Pope x