Monday afternoon 4.5.20

Monday afternoon is reading skills, PSHE and PE.

1.30 – 1.50pm: Reading skills

In the fairy tale that you drew this morning, think about the characters in the story. Can you name the ‘goodies’ in the story? What about the ‘baddies’? Now think about some different fairy tales. Are there always baddies in a fairy tale? Think about some adjectives to describe some of these baddies. Are there similarities with the baddies?

1.50 -2.30pm: PSHE

Last week we were thinking about the importance of a positive attitude and how we can get better at the things we find tricky. Today let’s look at what you want to be when you are older and how you will make it happen!

What is your dream for when you are a grown up? You may want to discuss different choices of jobs and careers that exist first. Here’s a cute video to prompt discussion:

Once you have an idea of what you want to be when you grow up, think about how you are going to make it happen. Use the sheet (if you want to) to think of six small steps that you can take in order to get there. t-c-254562-when-i-grow-up-poster-_ver_2 Please note, there is a boy version of this and a girl version. Do not print out both sheets!

You could have the first step as a Year 1 target, and the second as a Year 2 and so on, or you can just think of six things you can do which will help you achieve your dream generally. For example, if I wanted to be a chef, my six steps might be:

  1. To watch some cooking shows.
  2. To help my parents cook or bake.
  3. To understand how to weigh out ingredients on my own.
  4. To learn how to chop carefully.
  5. To make an easy meal with an adult helping me.
  6. To get a job in a restaurant.

2.30pm onwards: PE

Here is the second part of The Enormous Turnip dance session:

Or a Boogie Beebies session if you prefer. You may want to do both!

Have a super afternoon.

Mrs Garcia x