Monday afternoon 20.4.20

Afternoon, everyone.

This afternoon is reading skills, PSHE and PE.

1.30 – 1.50: Reading skills

This morning you were looking for nonsense poems. Can you compare the ones you found to poems which are not nonsense poems? See if you can find at least three differences between the poems you look at. For example, is there rhyme in both? What about alliteration? Are they both easy to understand? Does one of them make you laugh?

1.50 – 2.30: PSHE

What are your ‘star qualities’? What are you really good at? Try to think of at least three and then draw a picture of you showing one or more of your star qualities. For example, you may be brilliant at looking after animals, so you could draw yourself taking care of a pet. Maybe you’re a fantastic friend because you share nicely, so your picture could be you with your friends taking turns in a game.

2.30 – 3.15 and beyond! PE

Play this recording from the BBC Sounds website (‘Time to Dance’) and do the actions as you listen. It’s all about gardening so get your (pretend) spade ready!

If you prefer to actually see the moves, then try this Boogie Beebies workout:

Have fun everyone!