Friday 3rd April

It is the last day of term everyone! Thank you for cheering me up and sending me your fabulous work.

Today it is English, P.E, Maths and Art.


It is Friday so it is spelling test day! Please test yourself on the spellings you have been learning this week. Then, if you haven’t already done so, please try and complete your letter to me about whether gangs should be allowed to form in our school. They have been a delight to read! Also, complete your Mondrian research. We will be using the information to write a biography next term, so please keep your information in a safe place.

If you have finished all the English tasks, you might want to make a book mark or book cover.


Try the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


First, make a poster about the number 63. After that, say your square numbers and then your 7 X table – but maybe a little louder than yesterday as I didn’t hear many of you! Then try lesson five on the white rose maths/ home learning website.


  • Please finish your Mondrian inspired artwork.
  • Try Mrs Andrew’s Elmer the elephant challenge and then perhaps draw a cartoon sketch about an adventure Elmer goes on.

I hope you all have a fantastic Easter holiday!