Friday’s work.

So we get to the last day of term. It has been a very strange term but one where the children have shown what absolute stars they are. I am very priviliged to be their teacher. I have thoroughly enjoyed looking at their work over the last two weeks and seeing how they have positively responded to each other. Normally on a Friday we would have PE, maths, English, French and then our library slot where they curl up with their book. If you wish your child to follow this there are links below. Alternatively they could be finishing off their making and baking. Later in the day I will post some more pictures of things they have been doing. Please also look at the information tab where there are links you might want to use over the Easter holidays as there will be no posts over this time.

PE Joe Wicks will start your day off.

Maths is the next lesson using white rose. Alternatively get the children practising their times tables

English is a lesson to practise their punctuation and grammar. Answer sheets are included

French – for this the children can use duolingo

Library – sorry no links as the children can curl up with their book.

Have a super last day of the term. Please remember I am happy if you want to contact me with any questions. I will post again later in the day.
