Friday 20th March morning activities

Good morning,

How did everyone get on yesterday? It was nice to hear from some parents yesterday and thank you for positive feedback regarding the tasks set. Here’s the timetable for today (obviously there is no pressure to follow these timings exactly!!):

8.45-9.00: Practise spellings

9.00 – 9.05: Wake Up, Shake Up:

9.05 – 10.00: Maths problem solving using NRich ‘Teddy Town’:

This is a really fun activity where you need to work out different combinations of bears and houses. Don’t tell the children, adults, but the answer to the first section is:

red bear in red house, red bear in orange house, orange bear in orange house, orange bear in red house. Therefore, all four combinations are different.

The good thing about this activity is that you can do it online and move the bears around. Plus, for higher ability children, you can go as far as you like arranging the bears. If I was delivering this activity in class, however, I would expect most children to be able to sort the three bears into three houses quite confidently, with the majority able to sort four bears into four houses.

10.00 – 10.15: Have a break!

10.15 – 11.00: English

We would have had a spelling test today. This involves me asking the children the list of words and them writing them in their little yellow books. You could use the exercise books sent home for this, or any paper will do. Don’t let the child see the words as you dictate them!

After your spelling test, have a go at adding the suffix ‘ed’ to the end of each of the verbs on the sheet. If you are a green or a blue for English, try the second sheet which asks you to write the whole verb. Yellows, do the first sheet.


11.00 – 11.15: Phonics

Scroll down on Phonics Play to 5d, where there is an activity which says ‘Verbs – adding ‘ing’, ‘er’ and ‘ed’. Click on the ‘adding ed sorting game’ and sort the past tense verbs depending on the sound of the ‘ed’. Does it sound like ‘d’, ‘t’ or ‘id’?

11.15 – 11.30: Break. Go outside for fresh air if possible!

11.30 – 11.40: Cosmic Kids:

11.45 – 12.25: RE

Go outside (or look on the internet or around the house) for things that are naturally amazing. This could involve plants, rocks or stones, feathers, etc. What is it that makes them amazing? Do they have patterns on them? Is there any symmetry? What about the colours? Discuss how you think those colours got there! Were they painted on in a factory?! See if you can sketch any amazing things that you find, adding all the detail. You could also take pictures of the items and email them to me if you like. It would be great to see what you’ve found. If you can’t find anything, the following photo pack might help:


Have a great morning everyone and enjoy the sun! The afternoon activities will be posted in a short while. Please let me know if you have any probs with the above tasks.

Mrs Garcia x