Wednesday 18th March

Hello everybody,

I thought I’d try today to post the work we are doing in class online to see how we get on.

English – Lesson 1

Yesterday, we read this story together Caravan Story 1

We picked out key phrases and description we liked.  I would like us now to use this as a basis for our own warning story. story breakdown

Looking at the story breakdown this will be our plan

1.Adult gives warning to child

2.Child ignores warning and goes to place

3.Describe place

4.Children become trapped – panic!

5.Children escape

6.Adult from start is furious with children – children learn lesson.

We will do a section of the story each day.

So today

Please choose a dangerous setting for your story to take place: maybe an old house, an old fairground, an abandoned park, an empty church etc.

Decide on your main characters – girls or boys – one of each to appeal to both audiences.

Start with your warning – remember speech punctuation rules

“______ ” around words spoken out loud.

CL at start of speech

, ? ! at end of speech but before the ” if followed by a reporting clause – eg

“Don’t go near the old park on your way home today Sam,” called my Mum from the kitchen.

You can use a . at end of speech if you put your reporting clause at the start

My Mum called from the kitchen, “Don’t go near the old park today, Sam.”

So today your task is to write paragraph one of the story.  Use the example story to help you write your own.

Concentrate on your punctuation please.