Design and Technology!

The week before Easter would have been a DT focus week. We would have undertaken both a food technology task and a construction task. It would be great if you could have a go at one or more of the suggestions below; I would love to see photos of the work you produce!

Food technology – we have been learning about how the body works and will be considering ways to stay healthy. Our science focus for the next two weeks will concentrate on healthy habits for life.

Can you design and make a healthy lunchbox?
Click on the link below for some great ideas. Try and include at least 3 portions of fruit or veg.

Structure Challenge
Can you make a bridge structure that supports a tin of baked beans?

You can use any materials you are allowed to! If you have construction toys at home (Lego, for example) you could create a bridge using that.
In school we would follow these steps:

  1. Research and evaluate some different bridges and their designs.
  2. Have a go at trying out some different construction techniques e.g. how to stick/join different materials. At home you could try using glue and comparing that to using tape, for example.
  3. Design your bridge – this would take the form of a drawn, labelled diagram.
  4. Build it and test it!
  5. Evaluate your final product – take a photo and share it!