
In case our school is forced to close I wanted you to know how Year 5 can carry on working. Since September we have been using something called Classroom which the children can access on a variety of sites as long as it has google. Today I checked with all children that they know how to log in and they all said they do. Today I also showed them how to access Twinkl which is a website that has loads of resources. This is currently free using the link in Classroom. IF we close I propose to use Classroom to put up weekly and daily activities for the children to do. They will be able to access this online and send me their work. I will be able to comment on this and help them. They will also be able to send me questions if they are stuck with anything. They will be able to do this anytime of the day. If any parent wishes to be shown how this system works I would, in the first instance, ask you to get your child to show you. If you wish me to show you please catch me after school anytime this week and I will quite happily demonstrate the system for you. As a year group we are very well organised for this thanks to you all for having great children who have listened well to instructions of how to use this system all year. If you have any questions please ask. Mr M