Parental Involvement

The school is committed to involving parents in the education of their children. This commitment is manifested in several ways:

  • we endeavour to make parents / carers feel welcome as soon as they step inside the building;
  • we encourage parents / carers to discuss their children’s education with the class teacher or the headteacher throughout the school year, and encourage them to discuss any anxieties with the headteacher in a relaxed, purposeful and friendly manner;
  • we hold parents’ consultation meetings in the Autumn and Spring terms in which parents / carers can discuss their children’s progress and school life with the class teacher and headteacher.  The annual school report is sent out in the Summer term;
  • we aim to stimulate parents / carers’ interest in their children’s education by running meetings to explain and discuss curriculum policy, by running practical workshops for parents / carers to experience activities similar to those participated in by their children, by holding school open sessions when parents / carers and the community in general can see the school in action;
  • we provide support for parents / carers and children in the process of entry into school by holding induction meetings for parents / carers, and induction sessions for children prior to commencing school for the first time;
  • we encourage parents / carers to realise the crucial part they play in their children’s education by emphasising their role during induction meetings, and by holding meetings to discuss the most positive ways of co-operating in aspects of children’s education;
  • we hold Parent Forum meetings for parents to feed back to the school and make suggestions as to ways they feel the school could improve.  All views are listened to and considered.