Further clarification for our new timetable

Some further clarification on the new timetable starting next week.

  • The school door will open at 8.45am (no change here)
  • Registers are taken promptly at 9am (no change here)
  • Lunchtime is now 12.30 – 1.30pm (half an hour later than previously)
  • The school day will end at 3.15pm (no change here)

Mr Langford felt it was a good opportunity to remind parents to get their children to school for 8.45am as teachers have work set ready for them to complete whilst dinners etc are completed.

Although the majority of families arrive for 8.45am some arrive at 9am or later which means their child has already missed up to 15 mins of work and is often late for registration by the time they have hung up their coats or dawdled down the corridor.