This week in Room 2

This week we will be / have been learning about…

English – we are continuing our work on Queen Boudicca.  We have been writing a rousing speech as Boudicca to inspire her Celtic army to stand up and fight against the Roman invasion.  The children have been extremely inspired by this and have done amazing work!  We are now working on a script for our i-movie to show the story of Boudicca.  Hopefully we can invite you to watch our movies before the end of term!

Maths – this week we have been practising our 4 times table.  We have been using these facts to work out the corresponding division facts.  We will also be using our tables facts to work out our 40x tables or 400x tables too!

Topic – we are continuing our work on the Romans and how they have changed Britain.  We have been looking at the things the Romans have introduced to Britain.  Test your child on how many they can remember!

Science – we have started a new unit this half term on food chains, teeth and digestion.

In computing we are using i-movie on the iPads to make a Boudicca movie.  Your children could play with i-movie if you have an iPad at home.  They should know how to insert video, photos and narration.

French – this week we have been practising the months and how to say when out birthday is.

Hopefully this has given you a little insight into what we have been doing in Room 2 so you can talk to your children about their learning.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs Hilditch