Understanding all about respect.

In Room 2 this week, we having looking at the term ‘respect’ and what we think it means. We have decided that respect is:

  • Thinking and acting in a way that shows others you care about their feelings and their well-being.
  • You think good things about who a person is or how he/she acts.


  • In order to respect others, you must think positively about yourself too!

As a whole class we listed down how we could show respect in different areas of our life and came up with some fantastic ideas. We pulled them altogether and created a respect poster. Please feel free to take a look, especially the ‘At home’ part where we have talked in length about the children offering their help this week even if they weren’t asked to because, in the words of someone in the class ‘it would help mummy and daddy a lot.’ 🙂

Fingers crossed and please let us know of any respectful little acts you notice from any of your little helpers this week!

Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all on Monday.

Mrs Davies and Mrs Hilditch