New Homework Date!

A quick message to all Room 8’s parents.

There will be no homework or spellings set over the Easter holidays, however, when we get back, the children will be looking into all things Ancient Greek so any reading or research into this topic or myths and legends would be really helpful and perhaps I can put some work up on the wall to start us off!

Another mention.

Due to Year 3 going swimming on a Friday afternoon after Easter, I will have to move the day in which the children hand in homework.

The reason behind this is because by the time we get back from swimming on a Friday afternoon there will be very little time to organise the children in regards to homework and spellings. Therefore, homework will now be due in on a Wednesday and new homework and spellings will be given out on a Thursday afternoon.

I can only apologise for the inconvenience, however, I cannot make this activity work in the current timetable for the upcoming term.

Thank you.