Wednesday 3rd April.

To parents of Room 8,

Just to let you know that on Wednesday 3rd April I am planning on taking Room 8 on a little walking tour of Pontesbury. The reason? To improve their map reading skills!

So far in our topic this term, we have looked at a lot of geography based concepts to do with Pontesbury. We have identified human and physical features of the village, we have investigated OS symbols and created our own key based on what we know Pontesbury has to offer (we discovered that although the village still feels pretty small, it actually has a lot of things happening and going on!)  and we have also used digital map software to look at the growth of Pontesbury, Shrewsbury and Birmingham over the last 120 years.

However, what I feel is important and a life long skill, is for the children to get to experience and practice the skill of ‘map reading’. The plan, is to walk around the village trying to locate the human and physical features we have previously looked at and try and locate them on a map.

The class will be split into smaller groups, each with a designated adult and walk around the village. We will only be gone for the afternoon so if you happen to see your child, please give them a wave. Please can all children have coat with them, just in case and maybe, if their really good, they can have a hot chocolate afterwards, when they get back to school!

As the trip is within Pontesbury and within the catchment area of the school,  I do not need individual parental consent, nevertheless, I thought I would inform you in case you spotted your child in the village and wondered why they were not in school! However, please feel free to catch me on the playground or ring the office if you would like any more information.

Thank you,

Mrs Davies