A little reminder about PE kits.

To the parents of Room 8,

Thought I would post a quick reminder on here to let you know that our Cricket session with Mr Corfield have now finished. Room 8 have really enjoyed these cricket sessions and have really worked on areas such as catching and throwing, working as a team, listening skills but most importantly having fun!

Find below a few pictures of the sessions below. IMG_3270



Because we are edging towards the end of term, I really feel like there is no need to disrupt Room 8’s timetable by moving their PE session to another time during the week. Therefore can I please ask that until the end of term,your child still turns up to school in their PE kits on a Monday morning ready to go so we do not have to waste time getting changed and the kids can get as much time as possible doing some physical activity.

Thank you,

Mrs Davies.