Health Services

Routine services are provided by the School Health Service in conjunction with the school as follows:

  • During your child’s first year at school (Reception Class), he or she will be offered a general health check, including a measurement of height and weight, and a hearing test to be carried out by the School Nurse team.
  • During the first year at school, your child will also have a vision test carried out by an Orthoptist.
  • When your child reaches year 6, there is a further measurement of height and weight carried out by the School Nurse team.

National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) and School Medical Programme:

Children in England in Reception and Year 6 have their height and weight measured each year through the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) by trained health professionals from Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust School Nursing Service.  Children are fully dressed except for their coats and shoes and the measurements will be taken in a private area.

All information and results will be treated confidentially.  No child’s height or weight will be given to other children or school staff.  Once your child has had their height and weight measured, a member of the School Nurse team may contact you, and Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust will send you your child’s results to you through the post.  (Letters will not be sent from your child’s school).

As part of the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP), the records of children’s heights and weights will be submitted for analysis in a way that means individual children cannot be directly identified.  Parents can exercise their right to opt out of the National Child Measurement Programme.  Please note, however, you can consent to the School Medical Programme (a local initiative) but still choose not to allow the measurements to be fed into the National Child Measurement Programme.  In this case, you will not routinely receive your child’s measurements unless you contact the school nurse.

If you would like further information regarding the programme, please contact the Shropshire School Nurse NCMP advice line on 01743 277676.

Vision Screening for Reception Class Children:

As part of national guidelines, it is required for an Orthoptist to carry out a routine eye test on children who are in Reception.  Orthoptists are specially trained to test children’s eyes, treat squints and lazy eyes etc.  The tests are short and simple matching games with letters, which will include the wearing of a pair of glasses with one eye covered up in order to test the vision in the other eye.

It is important that eye defects are detected before a child is 6 years old.  Your child will be tested in school.  This service is provided by a School Vision Screening Orthoptist. You may opt out of this service if you wish.

If your child fails their eye test, the school will provide the Orthoptist with your contact details and you will be contacted by letter.  If your child passes the eye test, the Orthoptist will not contact you.