Spellings Room 8 week beginning 26.11.18

Due to a photocopier malfunction, I haven’t been able to print off the homework or spellings for next week.

I promised the children that I wouldn’t set homework this week as it wouldn’t be fair, however, I will set spellings. Please find below next week’s spellings and as soon as the photocopier is up and running I will print out a hard copy.


Mrs Davies

Rule: soft g, ge or dge and 3/4 common exception words

Group 1

  • edge
  • misjudge
  • villagers
  • dislodged
  • manager
  • voyage
  • dodge
  • acknowledge
  • advantage
  • imagine
  • important
  • island

Group 2

  • edge
  • ledge
  • bridge
  • fridge
  • dodge
  • lodge
  • lodger
  • huge
  • badge
  • imagine
  • important
  • island

Group 3

‘ow’ words

  • window
  • borrow
  • tomorrow
  • row
  • know
  • known
  • bow
  • were
  • where
  • with