Room 5 (Year 1) homework and spellings

We’ve had a super first week in Room 5 and the children have worked really hard. Normally on a Friday, your child would be bringing home a red book with a homework label informing you of a small task for them to complete. This will start next week. They do, however, have a dark green spellings folder today. Inside, there is a sheet for your child to use to practise their spellings this week and they have been shown how to do this. It doesn’t matter how they practise though; the important thing is that they build their confidence with spelling the words on the sheet. They also have (at the back of the folder) a list of all the Year 1 and Year 2 spellings which they should ideally be able to spell at the end of both year groups. Feel free to work through these, particularly if your child is an able speller.

There will be a test of the 8 words on the spelling sheet next Friday (14th).

Wishing you all a happy weekend.