After-School Clubs running during the second half of this Summer Term 2018

The following after-school clubs will be running during the second half of this Summer 2018 term from 3.15pm to 4.15pm (unless indicated below).


Crossbar Football (open to all) – £14  (not applicable to pupils who have already paid in full for the whole term)  10 spaces left
KS2 Yoga (years 3-6)   Club finishes at 4.30pm   CLUB FULL
Top Hat Drama Club (years 3-6)  –  £21  (7 sessions during second half term)   – spaces available for Summer 2


Crossbar Rounders (years 2–6) – CLUB FULL
Crown Green Bowling (years 5–6) – (club held at the Nags Head Crown Green Bowling Club – pupils to be collected from there at 4.30pm)  2 spaces left
Sharp Sharks Club – by invitation only


Art Club (years 4–6)  in Room 2   CLUB FULL
Crossbar Athletics (years 2-6)    5 spaces left
Morris Dancing Club (years 3-4)   7 spaces left


Choir (years 3-6) in Room 5   unlimited spaces!
50 Things to do before you’re 11 and three quarters (year 6)    CLUB FULL


Boys Football Club (years 5-6)   (Please note change of day again back to Fridays)  (Mary Webb astro turf pitch)    9 spaces left
Ukulele Club (KS2)   (Club finishes at 4.00pm)    12 spaces left
Storytime Club (years R-2)    CLUB FULL
Crossbar Multisports
 (years 2-6)   4 spaces left
Netball (HiFive) (year 6)  (Club NOT running 13th July or 20th July)   3 spaces left

Printable after school clubs permission slip form