PE kit reminder

Hello all,

This term, Room 3 and Room 8 are incredibly fortunate to be able to have another PE session. Starting on Wednesday 31st  January, the children will be participating in a 7 week cricket course run by an experienced coach from the Shropshire Cricket Board.

Obviously, most children will have their PE kit already in, but if not, could we ask that the children bring them in so we are ready to start. It might also be advisable that children come with gloves, hats, scarves, a warm fleece/jacket as well as their normal PE kit in case they are outside.

  • Room 3 = 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
  • Room 8 = 9:20 – 10:20 am

Thank you for your cooperation,

Kind regards,

Mrs Pittaway and Miss Evans