Happy Friday!

Good Morning, Year 5!

Maths: Please have a go on Ttrockstars, I can still see a few children have not been on here. Email me if you need your log in smout.a@pontesbury.shropshire.sch.uk

Year 5 Spring 05

Answers test 5


It’s your spelling test today so please ask someone at home to test you. Here are your new spellings: Spellings

Here is a quick reading comprehension: Tudor Pottage Recipe You may even want to try making this at home!

Grammar: Please work on the four sentence types: statement, command, question and exclamation. You often get a question in your SPAG tests on these. Grammar lesson

Make sure you keep up your independent reading. Get cosy with one of your favourite books or read a short story or two from the Book of Hopes

This afternoon is your PE session so please take sometime to exercise today. You might like this short dance workout to get you started or take it as an active break throughout your day. Just dance