Friday 29th January

Good morning everyone, well done for making it to Friday!

Morning activity

On Tuesday I asked you to have a think about being more independent. This morning we are going to put that into practise, I would like you to… Get yourself dressed properly, fold your pyjamas away, make your bed, help get your breakfast ready and help to tidy it away afterwards and get all your things ready for learning today. See how much of this you can do by yourself!


Letters and Sounds

Today I thought you might like to have a go on the Phonics Play website.

Phonics Play

This website is free at the moment, the username is jan21 and the password is home. We use this website a lot in school and the children love playing on the games. We are starting to learn Phase 3 at the moment, so choose any of the Phase 2 or Phase 3 games on there, under the ‘Resources’ section. If you choose Phase 3 games, remember that we have only learnt up to ‘qu’ so far, so not all the games on the Phase 3 section are going to be suitable!

For Phase 3 games, I would suggest:

  • Buried Treasure
  • Dragon’s Den
  • Picnic on Pluto
  • Make a Match (Weeks 1-2)



Today I would like you to draw a number picture. On your picture I would like you to draw:

  • 1 house
  • 2 trees
  • 3 birds
  • 4 bikes 
  • 5 cars
  • 6 clouds
  • 7 people
  • 8 apples on the trees
  • 9 insects
  • 10 flowers

Remember to make sure that you count properly, and maybe don’t make each drawing too big as you need to fit lots on there.


Afternoon activity

Today I thought you might like to do a little bit more craft and make some paper aeroplanes! Once you have made your planes, you could take them outside and test which ones can fly the furthest! There is a website link below with some different paper aeroplane templates – choose your favourite and have a go. A word of warning – some look very tricky!

Paper Aeroplane Templates



Enjoy the story below to finish off your learning today.


Have a brilliant weekend everyone. I am planning a Teams ‘show and tell’ for next week so hopefully I will be able to see all of your faces! Hopefully you have all received your email addresses and passwords now – the rest of the details are to follow…

Miss Roberts x