30.06.21 Home Learning


This is the home learning for any child self-isolating from Room 5.

English 1

In English today we are due to do 2 assessments so instead can you please have a go at the following activities.

Find a non-fiction book at home and work with an adult having a go at these questions. (Non-fiction definition: writing that is informative or factual rather than fictional and made up.)

Can you remember what a non-fiction book looks like or is about?

Can you identify any features in the book that we learnt when we did non-chronological reports? (Title, Sub- Headings, Sections, Captions etc).

After reading some of the book with an adult, write 4-5 questions that you either want to investigate or ask the author.

Are you able to remember the punctuation we must use to end a question?

Internet Safety

Attempt to create a poster which shows why we need to be careful when using the internet. Watch this video for some inspiration. Internet Safety Video

Take a little break from learning.

English 2

Have a go at one of these SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) mats. Once you have tried to answer one, ask an adult to go through your answers with you. Were there any questions you found tricky? Tell an adult about how you found attempting the mat.

Mat 1 Mat 2 Mat 3 Mat 4 Mat 5 Mat 6


Today we are going for a walk around Pontesbury looking at different buildings and their ages. We are looking at our local history and attempting to draw some of the buildings. To help you at home, Mr Tipton has prepared some short videos of the places we are going to visit. Can you draw the 4 different building ages shown in the videos? Have a chat with your adult about any features in the town/village you live. Are there any features or places that your town/village is known for? If it helps, I have inserted a worksheet for you to use for your drawings. Local History work sheet

Watch videos 1 and 2 and then have a go at drawing the new buildings being built by school. Introduction to local history. Video 1    New builds. Video 2

The next part of our walk takes us to look at buildings that are about 50-60 years old. Do any of these buildings look similar to the place you live? Do they look different to where you live? Have a go at drawing a building you see in the video. Medium aged buildings. 50-60 years old. Video 3

The third stop on our tour of Pontesbury takes us to The Plough pub and the little stream alongside it. Tell an adult what you notice about The Plough’s appearance. Do you think you know which era the building is from? Watch the video below and there is a couple of clues to help you. Attempt to draw the building or stream. Old aged building and stream. Video 4

We finish our walk at St George’s Church, a place I am sure you have all been before so will know lots about it and how it looks inside. Have a chat with an adult about anything you notice about the church. It could be what it looks like, the colour of the bricks, the stained glass windows and so much more.

Introduction to St George’s Church. Video 5

St George’s Church. Video 6

Have a lovely day guys. Be creative with your drawings in History!

Mr Tipton