26.6.20 PE activities KS2

This afternoon have fun being sporty with your family! Below are some ideas you can try. It is likely to be hot so remember to stay safe by drinking lots of water, wearing a sun hat and sun cream, and do not stay out in the heat for too long.

Family Sports Afternoon

Have your own Sports Day at home with family members. Here is a video (courtesy of another school!) demonstrating some easy ideas for your own Sports Day at home: Sports Day at home video

You could also include the following events in your Sports Day:

Dressing up challenge/race: dressing up challenge

Three-legged race: three-legged race

You may even want to award certificates for your winners! Home Sports Day Certificates

Play foot-golf with your family

Please make sure your parents approve of your course before you start playing! Foot-Golf


Here are some ideas for what to do in case of rain or excessively hot weather!

Play the Sports Day board game with family members: Sports Day Board Game

Play ‘Adverbs Charades’: Adverb-Charades-Challenge

Sports Day wordsearch: sports-day-word-search-KS2

Crosswords: World Cup crossword ball-sports-crossword

A-Z of sports activity: an-az-of-sports-activity-sheet

Have a fun, and safe, afternoon and a lovely weekend everyone. x