24.6.20 PE activities

This afternoon, continue with your model of a sports stadium. If you have completed it, then why not do some research about the stadium to find out more about it? Here are some things you could find out:

  • What is the capacity of the stadium? (How many seats are there for spectators?)
  • What sports are played there?
  • When was the stadium built and by whom?
  • What trophies and medals are awarded for the sport most often played here?

Here are some of the medals awarded at previous Olympics ceremonies.

Olympics medals

This year, the Olympics would have been held in Japan. What do you think the design for the Japanese Olympics could look like? Have fun designing your own medal:  Design-a-Medal

If you would like to learn about some of the athletes who have won Olympic medals, see their stories on: Olympic medal stories BBC Teach

You may want to research a particular Olympic champion and write about them using this template: Olympics champion research sheet