02/07/21 Home Learning

This is the work for any child self-isolating.


Today we are looking at counting to 10 and 20 using what we already know and any number patterns we know such as counting in 2s or 5s.

Have a go at this game with an adult to get our brains working. Can you count in 2s up tp 20? You may have played this game in class before! counting in 2s and 5 game

Once you have played the game, complete these 2 worksheets. If you complete the counting to 20 sheet and found it easy, with an adult can you count to 30?

Counting to 10

Counting to 20

What is the biggest number you can count to? Ask an adult to help you with any of today’s activities if you find them challenging or get stuck.



Today we are speaking about being responsible and how does it look to show you are a responsible person?

Can you think of a time you have had to be responsible? It could be helping your parents put the dishes away. Either today or over the weekend, can you do something with an adult where you have to be responsible?

Have a lovely weekend guys and hopefully see you next week!

Mr Tipton