Welcome to Australia (formerly Room 5!)

This is the Year 1 class page where you can find information, answers to questions you may have and ideas for how to support your child’s learning.  Your teachers are Ms Vincent on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Mrs Manna  on Thursdays and Fridays. Our teaching assistants are Mrs Cherrington, Miss Thomas and Mrs Oldham.

An overview of our learning for spring 2023:


Daily Expectations

Please send your child into school with a named water bottle and coat every day. It is really helpful if PE kit items and shoes are named too.

We ask parents to support us in listening to their child read, or sharing books with their child, as much as possible at home, ideally every night. E-books are also allocated to children every Friday to support the week’s teaching in phonics. Parents should have received an email with a log in to access these. If there are any problems, please contact Mrs Andrew in the office for technical support!

Your child will have weekly spellings to support their learning in phonics. They will have one copy of the ‘Look, Say, Cover’ sheet at school and an identical one given out weekly for home. Please make sure your child’s spelling folder comes in to school every Friday so that new spellings can be filed and scores can be recorded for your information.

This term, PE will be every Monday and Friday. Children will need to come to school wearing their PE kit please. We are also going to be having Forest School every other Tuesday. For this, children will need to come to school wearing suitable clothes that you don’t mind getting muddy! It is helpful if they can also bring wellies and waterproofs are also very welcome.

Wellies and waterproofs can also come into school and stay in the classroom for exceptionally rainy days to avoid children getting wet and uncomfortable. Please ensure items are named.


Links to Online Resources


‘Hit the Button’ – a brilliant game for number bonds to 10, doubles and halves. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

NRich is a fantastic website full of great ideas for problem solving tasks.There are a lot of ‘hands on’ ideas on here as well as online activities which really encourage pupils to apply their mathematical knowledge. https://nrich.maths.org/14579

Snappy Maths is a website where you can get lots of worksheets suitable for Year 1; there are also links to online games too. http://www.snappymaths.com/year1/


The BBC site has some great links to games and activities. We particularly like ‘Karate Cats’ and ‘Small Town Superheroes’! https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zgkw2hv

Sentence Play (‘Sentence Doctor – problem punctuation): http://www.sentenceplay.co.uk/SentenceDoctor.html

Twinkl is one of the teachers’ favourites, with a wealth of available worksheets. Search for ‘Year 1’ on the homepage to get the most appropriate content. https://www.twinkl.co.uk/


Phonics Play – an excellent site for all phases, including games and printables. http://phonicsplay.co.uk/

‘Alphablocks’ is a super programme aimed at young children that complements the learning of graphemes across the different phases. There is also ‘Numberblocks’ which is great for maths. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_qs3c0ehDvZkbiEbOj6Drg


The BBC Bitesize site has an excellent range of videos and links, covering all aspects of the KS1 curriculum: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/z6svr82

This is a lovely resource where you can play a game all about animals and habitats with members of the family or with friends. It will take a lot of ink and paper though! https://www.marwell.org.uk/media/other/ks1_habitats_game_dec_2014.pdf


The following are free coding apps suitable for KS1:

Code-a-pillar: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/think-learn-code-a-pillar/id1110815901

Daisy the Dinosaur: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/daisy-the-dinosaur/id490514278

This is a fabulous FREE website where you can have a go at ‘painting’, typing, making bar charts, pictograms, control or even animation: https://www.j2e.com/jit5


The BBC has some excellent activities: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zyhp34j


‘Cosmic Kids’ is a wonderful, free website for mindfulness activities and guided relaxation videos for children: https://www.cosmickids.com/category/watch/

PE and movement:

‘Boogie Beebies’ do a range of different exercise and dance videos that are really easy to follow. The best way to find the videos is by doing a search on YouTube for ‘Boogie Beebies’, but here is one to get you started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10vEa0xKxKQ

‘Preschool Learn to Dance’ do a wide range of short videos that are great for quick ‘Wake Up Shake Ups!’. Do a YouTube search for ‘Preschool Learn to Dance’, but here is one to get you going: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lkza_tRlNRE

What does my child need to know? Year 1 objectives for all subjects


Phonics Screening Check

Children normally sit a short assessment in June to check that they are secure in their phonics knowledge. The children are assessed throughout the year and have plenty of practice at past tests. Parents are kept well-informed as to progress at parents’ consultation meetings. The following is a really useful video all about it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yM87ZNIkBm0

Here is an additional video showing how to pronounce the Phase 3 graphemes. The children will have been learning these throughout EYFS, but we recap them in Year 1 to keep them fresh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vU2vWZKS7rY

Phase 4 is all about using the known sounds and blending them together. New graphemes are learnt at the beginning of Year 1 when we start Phase 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3S5sJw7MfI

The children use sound mats to help them with their writing. If you would like to see one of these, please just contact us and we are happy to go through it with you.